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The visual cortex of the brain is doing large-scale concurrency "to see."

Updated: May 29, 2022

(Cognitive science) In coaching, rewriting the unconscious is a powerful means of achieving the goal.

By studying "Study of Consciousness", I would like to think about my method and the coaching theory, such as unconscious rewriting.

This series of blog posts is my study note.


If the words are displayed consecutively and shown to the subject if the displayed interval between the two words is within one second,

There is an experiment in which "RADIO" is displayed more quickly than "house" is displayed after "radio". Inducing (priming) the neural circuit of language processing by words that do not look like this is called "sub-threshold replication priming".

They found that sub-threshold replication priming occurs in the case where "range" precedes "RANGE" but not in "anger".

This result shows that sub-sense processing is sensitive to the characters themselves and their placement.

The subject's reaction to the word "RANGE" is such as "tulip" even if "anger" precedes it.

It did not change even if a word with a completely different constituent letter preceded it.

Sub-threshold perception does not confuse two words with 80 per cent of the constituent letters in common.

The effect of sub-threshold priming can tell even the difference of just one letter.

Over the last decade, this kind of effect on sub-threshold perception has been reproduced hundreds of times, using faces, photographs, pictures, etc., as well as words.

It is concluded that the conscious visual experience is a highly processed image far from the raw input information received from the eye.

We are not looking at the outside world as reflected in the retina.

Suppose you are looking at what you see on the retina. In that case, the scene is a "blind spot" where a distorted accumulation of a series of bright and dark pixels occurs toward the retina's centre, is covered by blood vessels, and the optic nerve extends to the brain. It will look unpleasant, such as a large hole in the "position.

With the camcorder still in the recording state, I inadvertently shift my mind to something else. As a result, the screen may be blurry and unbearable when I watch the recorded video later.

On the other hand, we see that a large-scale reinterpretation based on similar past experiences with the visual world corrects defects in the retina and blind spots, and even if the eyes and head move, the image of the outside world is revealed. Moreover, it is a three-dimensional scene that has been corrected to be stable.

All of this is done unknowingly.

However, much of that processing is highly complex, and building the model on a computer is

It isn't straightforward.

For example, our visual system detects shadows in an image and subtracts them.

At first glance, the brain unknowingly infers the position of the light source, estimating the shape, opacity, reflectance, and brightness of the object.

Behind our vision, powerful unconscious calculations are performed.

The figure on the right is an ordinary chessboard. At first glance, mass A should look darker than mass B. However, both cells are printed with the same darkness. In an instant, the human brain analyzes this figure, seeing the light shining from the upper right and the cylinder casting a shadow on the chessboard, subtracting the darkness of the shadow from the image, and shadowing. I'm showing you what is presumed to be the actual shade of the underlying square. In other words, only the final result of these complex calculations is conscious.

While the eyes are open, there is a large concurrency in the visual cortex.

We also create the superficial impression of a smooth visual world,

You don't know anything about how difficult work is being done unknowingly.

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