By studying "Study of Consciousness", I would like to think about coaching theory, such as rewriting my unconsciousness.
This series of blog posts are my study notes.
When we learn a language, we remember our actions, critique them, design them, and do rehearsals.
The information that disappears in a short period does not disappear, and the brain becomes like a reverberation room.
And while the longest-lived information is alive, that information impacts the thinking process called conscious thinking.
Consciousness plays a role in connecting what was past to what is to come in the future.
Consciousness aggregates messages captured from the sensory organs into an integrated code. The code takes a compact form to be transmitted without delay and is stored in a place commonly called "working memory". Working memory and consciousness are inextricably linked.
Consciousness forms a lasting thought. When certain information is conscious, it remains fresh in the brain while paying attention to it.
The cellular mechanism of temporary memory is present in all mammals, from humans to monkeys, cats, rats and mice.
Memory-capable organisms can isolate themselves from unforeseen environmental emergencies. As a result, you can remember the past and anticipate the future without being bound by the present.
Whether or not you can come up with an invisible predator hidden behind a rock based on your memories is an essential life-threatening ability.
Integrating and referring to information gathered over time, space, and knowledge is a fundamental component of consciousness. And that ability has been actively selected throughout evolution.
The component of the mind, which psychologists call "working memory," is one of the primary functions of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the brain regions that connect to it.
"Working memory" is a storage place for knowledge captured by consciousness.
In brain imaging experiments, activation is seen in these areas when the subject attempts to retain information such as phone numbers, colours, and the shape of the flashed image for a short period.

Neurons in the prefrontal cortex retain active memory and continue to fire during short-term memory tasks, sometime after the image disappears, and sometimes even tens of seconds later.
If the prefrontal cortex is impaired, this memory is lost and falls into the oblivion of the unconscious.
For disorders that are directly related to consciousness
Hemispatial neglect (one side, usually hinders awareness of the space on the left side)
Lack of will (cannot take action voluntarily)
Akinetic mutism (cannot be reported in words but maybe repeatable)
Anosognosia (not aware of your profound condition such as paralysis)
Disorders of self-aware memory (cannot recall and analyze one's thoughts)
And so on.
The prefrontal cortex retains and reviews information
and integrates it into the ongoing plan.