We have experienced keeping our body temperature constant and saying that when we are in a place, we don't want to be, we don't want to be there.
When a person catches a cold, and the body temperature rises, people sweat to lower the body temperature.
Even if you don't catch a cold, you can sweat and adjust your body temperature to keep your body temperature constant even when the temperature suddenly rises from spring to summer. I am.
Someone encourages you to sweat.
Also, when you enter a luxury hotel, etc., far away from the place you are familiar with,
"I'm restless; where is this?"
"The people here are of a different race than they are always close to."
"It's cramped. You don't need to stay long in a place like this."
Someone urges you to leave the place early.
I think many people have had this kind of experience.
I'm also this kind of person, so I understand it well.
When I sweat, the feeling of "hot" run around my body.

When I'm in a place that I think is out of place, my emotions run through my body, like, "I don't want to stay in such a place for a long time."
Looking at these two examples,
Emotions determine whether life processes in the body are functioning well.
Has a role in communicating to us at all times without using words
I think we can say that.
Emotions arise from the state of human life activity at a particular moment and evaluate and convey to humans whether the state of life activity leads to one's happiness and prosperity.
The desire to survive and move toward the future, no matter what exists in a place other than human thoughts and intentions.
The set of processes of life activity necessary to realize this desire is called homeostasis.
Each process of homeostasis works in concert to achieve this survival instinct.
If the substance is left alone, it will try to return to a chaotic state.
On the other hand, homeostasis seeks to maintain order stably.
I think it depends mainly on homeostasis that human beings welcome today through genetic selection through a very long process from ancient times.
Its history has shaped human emotions and cultural and creative minds.
In modern times, the culture and the use of tools that humans have cultivated since ancient times tend to be separated from the process of our life activities.
However, capturing the facts that have formed the culture in connection with emotions, homeostasis, and heredity is essential.
To protect us from the tendency of culture and tools to be separated from life activities, I think it is adequate to understand the connection between culture, emotions, homeostasis and heredity.
The culture believes that human behaviour is formed from autonomous and cultural behaviour.
On the other hand, there is a view that it was formed due to natural selection inherited by heredity.
The two views are often at odds with each other, but I think they both influence the formation of culture.
Emotions are a means of communicating the state of life activity in the body to the human mind. We can express this emotion as positive to negative, that is, positive and negative.
Emotions caused by deficiencies in homeostasis are expressed as negative emotions.
Positive emotions, on the other hand, indicate that homeostasis is maintained correctly.
Emotions and homeostasis are consistently and closely linked.
Emotions convey information about the state of life activity in non-human organisms with a mind and consciousness.
Emotion is a mental phenomenon of homeostasis.
I think you can think about it.