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執筆者の写真Hatsuo Yamada






The unconscious understands the language only in the left temporal lobe, and when it becomes conscious, it expands the information to the frontal lobe.


「At breakfast, I like my coffee with cream and socks(私は朝食時、コーヒーにクリームと靴下を入れる)」などのおかしな文を読むとき、

「socks (靴下)」の不整合な意味は、頭頂部に出現する陰性電位N400と呼ばれる特殊な脳波を生むことがわかりました。







「not happy(幸福ではない)」「very happy (非常に幸福)」

「not sad(悲しくない)」「very sad(非常に悲しい)」


そし て、これら の組み合わせが 識下で見えないように提示された直後に、






その一方、脳は「very happy war (非常に幸福な戦争)」のような表現の不調和を検出し、

「not happy war(不幸な戦争)」や「very sad war(非常に悲しい戦争)」などの





  1. 第一に、意識は意味に無関係であることを示す。

  2. 無意識の刺激によって脳内で引き起こされる事象は、微小なものばかりではない。






  • 左側頭葉は、意味を処理する言語ネットワークの主要な組織

  • 前頭葉は、特別な主観的感覚の基盤つなる脳の組織です。



The unconscious understands the language only in the left temporal lobe, and when it becomes conscious, it expands the information to the frontal lobe.

By studying "Study of Consciousness", I would like to think about my own method in addition to the coaching theory such as the method of unconscious rewriting.

This series of blog posts is my study note.

Research has shown that the Grand Master of Chess can evaluate the placement of pieces and memorize the details by automatically dividing the board into meaningful components and analyzing them at a glance. It has been proven.


In yesterday's article

When reading funny sentences such as "At breakfast, I like my coffee with cream and socks"

The inconsistent meaning of "socks" has been found to produce a special brain wave called the negative potential N400 that appears on the crown.

N400 EEG assesses how well a word fits into the context.

The size of the brain waves changes depending on the degree of absurdity of the phrase. The greater the degree of absurdity, the stronger the brain waves.

This phenomenon in the brain occurs even when words are not visible due to masking or the like.

The temporal lobe neuron network automatically handles the various meanings of invisible words, as well as the assessment of consistency with past conscious contexts.

First, two words are displayed in succession, both of which are masked so that they are not noticed by the subject.

The displayed words are

"Not happy" and "very happy"

"Not sad" and "very sad"

It combines positive and negative meanings, such as.

And immediately after these combinations were presented invisibly,

Words with positive and negative meanings such as "love" and "war" are displayed so that they can be seen.

Then, the N400 brain waves caused by these conscious words,

It turns out that the strength of the brain waves is regulated by the broad unconscious context.

A dissonant word "happy" precedes "war", causing a strong N400.

Furthermore, it became stronger or weaker depending on the combination with "very" and "not".

On the other hand, the brain detects inconsistencies in expressions such as "very happy war".

"Not happy war", "very sad war", etc.

They unknowingly judge the appropriateness of the expression.

The most notable point of these experiments is whether or not the phrase is visible to the subject.

N400 brain waves are to show exactly the same magnitude.

This discovery has two implications.

  1. Show that consciousness is irrelevant to meaning.

  2. The events caused by unconscious stimuli in the brain are not limited to minute ones.

Unconscious activity has been found to be limited to specialized cranial nerve circuits.

While unconscious processing is being performed,

Brain activity remains in the left temporal lobe.

On the other hand, the words and phrases that are conscious are

It will occupy a much larger network of brains that extends to the frontal lobe.

The left temporal lobe is the main organization of the language network that processes meaning.

The frontal lobe is the tissue of the brain that underlies special subjective sensations.

Words that remain unconscious are not as influential as those that are conscious.





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