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無意識に関する論争の終結 視覚でも聴覚でもプライミングは起こる





End of unconscious controversy Priming occurs both visually and audibly












  • 被験者は、隠された数字には何も気づいていませんでした。

  • 実験の最後に行なったテストでは、その事実を教えましたが、被験者はやはり隠された数字を見ることはできませんでした。

  • しかし、見えなかったはずの数字は、意味のプライミングを引き起こしたのです。










End of unconscious controversy Priming occurs both visually and audibly

By studying "Study of Consciousness", I would like to think about my own method in addition to the coaching theory such as the method of unconscious rewriting.

This series of blog posts is my study note.

Research has shown that the Grand Master of Chess can evaluate the placement of pieces and memorize the details by automatically dividing the board into meaningful components and analyzing them at a glance. It has been proven.


Various experiments on the unconscious were carried out, and controversy arose.

Last time I wrote about Anthony Marcel's experiment and Greenwald's experiment.

Greenwald has withdrawn his own experimental results.

The research team of Stanislas Duanne and others thought.

They thought the problem was that Greenwald's experiment set a time limit of 400 milliseconds for the subject's reaction.

They suspected that 400 milliseconds might be too short to handle the meaning of infrequently used words, such as "tumor."

They decided to use numbers to get the maximum effect of the unconscious.

In their experiments, they flashed one of the numbers 1, 4, 6, and 9.

At that time, immediately before and after, a character string composed of random characters that made those numbers completely invisible was displayed, and immediately after that, a second number was displayed so that the subject could clearly see it.

They then asked the subjects to answer the simplest questions as quickly as possible.

"Did the numbers you saw were greater than or less than 5?"

Subject was unaware of the hidden numbers.

The test at the end of the experiment taught the fact that the numbers were hidden, but the subjects still could not see the hidden numbers.

But the numbers that shouldn't have been seen caused the priming of meaning.

Subjects responded more quickly when both were greater than 5 than when one was less than 5 and the other was greater than 5.

When the 9 was first flushed invisible to the subject, the response to 9 and 6 was faster and the response to 4 and 1 was slower.

By using brain imaging, evidence of this effect could be detected in the cortex.

There was a tiny activation in the motor cortex that sent commands to the hands.

Thus, the unconscious decision is passed from the perceptual area to the motor control area in the brain. And this effect results from an unconscious classification of the meaning of numbers that are invisible to the subject.

Furthermore, in the next experiment, both "four" and "4" induced "4" to the same extent.

This fact suggests that all effects occur at the level of abstract meaning.

They also later confirmed that priming was successful even if the prime was an invisible visual number and the target was the number of sounds that could be heard.



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