Origin of TPS: Make one by one with the flow
The keywords of contrast between flow and stock have come to the fore.
We want to avoid stocks as much as possible in terms of production activities.
The starting point is to make things one by one. This way of thinking is connected to the completion of the current process.

To make it easier to imagine the assembly line, I would like to draw the linework in your mind while explaining "Kanban".
There is a famous "Kanban" regarding the Toyota production system. "Kanban" is a card that is married with various information about parts such as the manufacturer's name that manufactures the parts, the number of parts attached in one box, and were to supply the parts at the production site.
Some people may think of "Kanban" as the signboard of a store. Such as a candy store or a greengrocer, but that is not the case. A card with information related to parts printed on it.
The box that houses the parts is called a pallet. But one "Kanban" is attached to the pallet and delivered together with the parts from the part manufacturer.
When the pallet is supplied to the parts shelf on the line side of the manufacturing process, and the worker starts using the parts contained in the pallet, the "Kanban" attached to the pallet is removed and installed near the parts shelf. Put it in the repair box (like a mailbox) of "Kanban".
Next, the worker in charge of collecting "Kanban" will take out "Kanban" from the collection box and return it to the manufacturer.
The parts manufacturer who received the "Kanban" knows that the following order has arrived. At this time, we will start making new parts. Until then, I haven't received the ordering information, so that I won't make any parts.
The rule that they must follow. Suppose a part is used in a process after you, make one based on that information. If one is drawn to the subsequent process, the principle of making one is connected.
Can you imagine that if this rule is followed by all the parties concerned, including the parts manufacturers, starting from the final process of the vehicle production line, a significant flow will be possible? This rule is called "post-process take-back".
Nowadays, this mechanism is digitized, so "Kanban" is electronic data. The electronic world is invisible. Since it will be difficult to explain, I will omit the explanation here to understand the mechanism.
It will continue to the next.