In the July 4, 2022 article of the Nikkei Shimbun, there was an article titled "Employee job satisfaction reflected in executive bonuses."
Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. (PAS), a subsidiary of Panasonic Holdings Co., Ltd. (HD) that handles automotive parts, will introduce a system that increases annual bonuses for executive officers when the engagement (job satisfaction) of approximately 6,000 employees significantly improves. If job satisfaction deteriorates, bonuses will be reduced. We will make management executives aware of job satisfaction, improving employee satisfaction and business performance.
It will be introduced from the fiscal year ending March 2023 and applied to payments from the summer of 2023. The annual bonus varies between one hundred and several hundred thousand yen, depending on the degree of improvement in job satisfaction. Excluding the head of the US corporation, 13 executive officers, including the president, are eligible.
In addition to performance-linked performance and reflection of individual achievements, it will add improvements in employee job satisfaction to the evaluation items for annual bonuses. As a result, 10% to 15% of the annual bonus reflects the improvement in job satisfaction.
Improvements in job satisfaction are measured based on a questionnaire conducted among approximately 6,000 domestic employees. About ten questions about job satisfaction, such as "Does the company make the most of its values?" Employees choose "I agree" or "I disagree." Evaluate improvement or deterioration on a 5-point scale compared to the previous year's questionnaire results.
If there is an improvement in job satisfaction in departments supervised by executive officers, the number of bonuses paid will be increased. Reduce if no change or worsens. In some cases, the difference in annual payments can amount to hundreds of thousands of yen. Motivate executive officers to improve job satisfaction in the workplace continuously.
Motivation is a word about the source of action.
There are two types of motivation: constructive motivation and restrictive motivation.
The former is based on positive feelings such as "I want to do" and "I like".
The latter is based on the negative feelings of "I must do it" and "I must not do it".
In coaching, I say, "Do what you truly want to achieve your goals."
What you want to do is to enjoy and love the action itself without asking for anything in return.
When achieving a goal, nothing is more important than the "want to" mindset.
If you can find what you want to do, you will be free from the constraints of your own emotions and social brainwashing, and your brain will become more active.
It is not uncommon to be attacked by a feeling of excitement.
The "want to" consciousness activates the brain's functions and creates intense creativity.
And as a result, you will leave the current situation and go to the destination independently.
High performance is born when you are in your comfort zone. Therefore, anything within your comfort zone will naturally become the object of your "want to" and will naturally and innately lead to high performance.
There, your creative unconscious finds new ways to solve problems.
Restrictive motivation is highly destructive, eroding a person's self-esteem and undermining their natural ability to stand up for themselves, choose, and act on their own.
Many people who act only on restrictive motivations seem to have been trained by their parents or teachers.
"Don't study math! You're not going to get into a good school."
"There will be ghosts!"
"Don't be late! I'll punish you if you're late by making you stand in the corridor."
I don't think any teachers go this far these days, but there is no end to the number of teachers who say things like this.
These things are so often ingrained into our minds that even as adults, we develop brief systems in our heads that say, "You must, or you will be punished."
These are fear-based threats.
Perpetrators are not only parents and teachers, but also media, bosses, society, and all sorts of information, such as the common sense that has been created, drop us into a restrictive motivation.
Even growing up, we are continuously imprinted like this from the outside world.
The executives of the companies mentioned in the Nikkei newspaper article are also likely to become the perpetrators, so it would be a good idea to be careful.
"How does a manager motivate his subordinates?" means forcing others to do something.
But can you force yourself to motivate people?
Motivation comes from within the human mind. Therefore, I think a manager can only create an environment in which naturally motivated people can play an active role.
As a first step, I recommend observing whether the source of subordinates' actions is based on constructive or restrictive motivation.
Motivation is spontaneous, not externally given. It is born from the intention of "I want to do XX" toward the object we value.
Even if you say to your subordinates, "Be motivated," in a semi-forced manner, you will allow them to rebel.
It is called creative avoidance, and it is known that creative avoidance occurs more strongly in people who have high self-esteem (self-evaluation) and are internally fulfilled.
What you have to be careful about is the existence of the creative unconscious.
The creative unconscious tries to keep us safe to protect our lives.
A safe state is the "comfort zone of the status quo," and homeostasis works so that the creative unconscious forces us not to change the status quo.
Whether it's from self-esteem or a motivational point of view, your "musts" don't do you any good.
High performance occurs when people are in their comfort zone.
Anything within your comfort zone will naturally become the object of your "want to" and will naturally and innately lead to high performance.
There, your creative unconscious finds new ways to solve problems.
Conversely, people who are in their comfort zone naturally have high performance. Therefore, if a problem arises at that time, the creative unconscious will solve it independently.
In an organisation, the solution is to share an overall goal encompassing the Want to goal each member has.
By doing this, members move from their current comfort zone to a shared comfort zone on the goal side and independently come up with solutions.
Motivation is the force that moves you out of your comfort zone.
I'm talking about
No matter how much you say, "Get motivated," this power cannot be born.
When a particular organisation was criticised by the parent company for quality problems and hit a big wall, everyone had severe discussions and shared goals, which led to the establishment of a "standard work system". But, first, I will introduce a case study.
It is detailed in the article below. (In the article, more related articles are introduced)