The comfort zone is a haven where you are now. If you are fooled by the word comfort, you are in a boiled frog state.
It is a paradise that the goal should be.
Imagine a future where you're achieving your goals if you realize that you don't want to leave your comfort zone.
Make a memory of the future.
All you need to raise your comfort zone is high efficacy and a strong sense of presence that you are already in the goal.

Efficacy means pride.
To be precise, it means "self-evaluation of one's ability", which is the self-confidence that "I can do it" before trying to do something.
Don't get me wrong; high efficacy is not "bluffing".
A bluff should have a higher rating than you think.
It's also out of your comfort zone because it's higher than your set efficacy.
The term self-esteem is often confused with efficacy.
Self-esteem is self-esteem. In other words, it's a self-assessment of your position.
By setting goals for the future and conditioned what you should be for that future, you can keep your self-image high.
Whether or not you can achieve your goal depends on whether or not you can keep your efficacy high.
When setting goals, if you are too particular about the result of winning or losing, the level of abstraction will be below, and you will lower your efficacy (self-evaluation). It is also essential.
A low level of abstraction is the same as a low point of view, instilling in yourself and those around you the wrong value that "winners have value, losers have no value". There is also.
Listening to uplifting music before a live performance, such as a sports match, is like "warming up the adrenaline."
By creating a light excitement before the game and creating an environment where adrenaline is easy to come out to some extent, you will release the adrenaline at once at the very moment when the game starts, starts running, and hits the ball.
In addition, rhythmic music also stimulates the secretion of serotonin. It makes it even easier to increase efficacy.
Many people are obsessed with past mistakes and the words of others (mainly parents and teachers) and cannot underestimate themselves and raise their efficacy.
Affirmation is what you need to break the curse of the words of others and increase your efficacy.
By making affirmations such as "I am a great person" and "I can do it", I try to improve my efficacy every day.
Affirmations are effective in increasing efficacy.
There are some rules about affirmations, so I'll post them for your reference.
Your affirmations must be personal. Your affirmations are written in the first person. In other words, the subject of affirmation is "I" for individuals and "us" and "us" for teams and organizations. The content should be personal, which you genuinely wish. Do not be obsessed with social conventions or be aware of the evaluation of others when deciding on the content. Let's create content with your values.
Use only affirmative expressions and include only affirmative objects. Do not use "I don't want to be like this" or "I don't want this" in the affirmation. Also, we do not include anything that you do not want or want to be. As soon as you say a negative word or an object to deny, that person's efficacy drops dramatically.
His affirmation of "achieving" is based on the idea that you have already achieved your life goals.
Write in the present progressive tense. You must all your affirmation words write in the present progressive tense, such as "I'm doing right now" and "What's happening now".
Never make a comparison. Do not say "this is it" compared to others. The world of goals, which is made up of comparisons with others, is not an actual goal. Write down the absolute goals that came from your heart, not those based on the comparative advantage or relativized.
In his affirmation, which uses the word "movement," devise a wording that describes one's actions and behaviour in the world of goals. For example, "I can negotiate with people of any social status with a smile and a friendly smile, calm gesture."
Use emotional words. How impressed you are when you reach your goal. Using words that make you accurately imagine that impression, we will express your appearance in the world of goals in the affirmation.
His affirmation, which enhances the accuracy of the description, does not end once it is created. I talk to myself every day, and whenever I notice something, I make corrections and improve the accuracy.
Balancing Life goals is not limited to work. You can find goals in all areas to find a purpose in life, such as career, family, relatives, life work, property, living environment, community activities, spirituality, health, and leisure.
Make his affirmation text so realistic that the wording reveals himself as he has achieved his goal.
His affirmations to keep secret should not be revealed or shown to anyone unless he is a formal coach of the Thais and Tomabechi styles.
I have both the Thai style and the Tomabechi style.
I am accredited, so I know everything.
Why shouldn't we reveal or show the content to anyone?
That's because you don't know where the dream killer is lurking.
For children, parents and school teachers teach that caution is required.
If you're an adult, say you tell someone you've started a diet.
The person who heard it said, "It's better to stop! It's bad for you!"
It may be kind to the other person, but it's just getting in the way of your goal.
Efficacy has the concept of collective efficacy not only for self-assessment of individual abilities but also for assessing collective and organizational abilities.
It is the same as the case of an individual.
However, in the case of a group, the phenomenon that individual people belong to the group enhances each other's efficacy occurs.
When you are in a high-efficacy group, your efficacy is constantly rising.
Collective efficacy is created by "sharing goals" and "resulting rapport (psychological solidarity)".
When leaders and groups share goals, high comfort zones are also shared, creating Lapolla.
First, it is essential that the leader sets a "high-level goal" and "I think everyone on the team can achieve it".
As collective efficacy increases, a sense of solidarity with peers is automatically created.
When people share a sense of presence in their comfort zone, they are designed to develop a sense of companionship and get along.
Product development activities depend on whether or not this active efficacy is enhanced.
"We're okay! We'll get it done."
"Be sure to achieve innovation."
"The best and invincible members are gathering!"