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Characters are slowly transmitted to the brain and understood without consciousness.

Writer's picture: Hatsuo YamadaHatsuo Yamada

Updated: May 29, 2022

(Cognitive science) In coaching, rewriting the unconscious is a powerful means of achieving the goal.

By studying "Study of Consciousness", I would like to think about my method and the coaching theory, such as unconscious rewriting.

This series of blog posts is my study note.


Continuing from the last time, I would like to follow the specific whereabouts of the experiment.

By scanning brain activity with fMRI, Duanne and colleagues provide evidence that the areas of the brain responsible for "numerical perception" located in the left and right parietal lobes are affected by invisible numbers. I grabbed it.

The brain area that governs "numerical sensation" is thought to have neurons that encode the quantitative meaning of numbers and are tuned to specific quantities.

In a sub-threshold priming experiment,

When the same number, such as nine and 9, was displayed twice, the brain region's activity responsible for "numerical sensation" decreased.

This phenomenon has long been known as "repetition suppression" and "adaptation".

This neuron seems to get used to seeing the same number again, even if the first display is not visible.

Therefore, the neuron recognizes that the exact item (nine and 9) is displayed twice.

They found that higher brain regions have a specific meaning and are activated without consciousness.

  • Prime is obtained when the exact number is displayed, such as four and 4.

  • Prime is slightly reduced for close numbers such as three and 4.

  • If there is a difference of 2 between two numbers, such as two and 4, it will be further reduced.

Such semantic distances provide evidence of the existence of the meaning of numbers.

Also, the prime word decides that "piano" is not an animal but a thing.

  • "Chair" is promoted

  • "Cat" is hindered




その結果、予想どおり、「fridge(冷蔵 庫)」「sonata(ソナタ)」などの情動的に中立的な単語を表示したときには生じなかった電気シグナルが記録されたのです。








「At breakfast, I like my coffee with cream and socks(私は朝食時、コーヒーにクリームと靴下を入れる)」などのおかしな文を読むとき、「socks (靴下)」の不整合な意味は、頭頂部に出現する陰性電位N400と呼ばれる特殊な脳波を生むことがわかりました。



Words written in letters are slowly transmitted to the brain and understood without the action of consciousness.

By studying "Study of Consciousness", I would like to think about my own method in addition to the coaching theory such as the method of unconscious rewriting.

This series of blog posts is my study note.

Research has shown that the Grand Master of Chess can evaluate the placement of pieces and memorize the details by automatically dividing the board into meaningful components and analyzing them at a glance. It has been proven.


Continuing from the last time, I would like to follow the specific whereabouts of the experiment.

By scanning brain activity with fMRI, Duanne and colleagues provide evidence that the areas of the brain responsible for "numerical perception" located in the left and right parietal lobes are affected by invisible numbers. I grabbed it.

The area of ​​the brain that governs "numerical sensation" is thought to have neurons that encode the quantitative meaning of numbers and are tuned to specific quantities.

In a sub-threshold priming experiment,

When the same number, such as nine and 9, was displayed twice, the activity of the brain region responsible for "numerical sensation" decreased.

This is a phenomenon that has long been known as "repetition suppression" and "adaptation".

This neuron seems to get used to seeing the same number again, even if the first display is not visible.

Therefore, it can be said that the neuron recognizes that the same item (nine and 9) is displayed twice.

It was also found that higher brain regions have a specific meaning and are activated without the action of consciousness.

Prime is obtained when the same number is displayed, such as four and 4.

Prime is slightly reduced for close numbers such as three and 4.

If there is a difference of 2 between two numbers such as two and 4, it will be further reduced.

Such semantic distances provide evidence of the existence of the meaning of numbers.

Also, the prime word decides that "piano" is not an animal but a thing.

"Chair" is promoted

"Cat" is hindered

The amygdala responds to all sorts of horror-causing events, such as snakes and spiders, or the music of horror movies, the faces of strangers. It even reacts to invisible snakes and images of human faces.

"Rape," "danger," "poison," etc.

I flashed a word that has a meaning that arouses anxiety.

As a result, as expected, electrical signals that did not occur when displaying emotionally neutral words such as "fridge" and "sonata" were recorded.

In other words, the amygdala "seen" a word that was not visible to the subject.

It was activated by an unknowingly presented word that causes fear.

It takes more than 0.5 seconds for an invisible word to provoke an unconscious emotional response.

But activation occurs completely unknowingly.

When the amygdala was found to ignite, the subject claimed to have not seen any words and was forced to guess without answering anything.

Words written in letters are slowly transmitted to the brain, identified, and understood without the action of consciousness.

Does the cortex, which controls language as well as the amygdala, fire in response to unconscious meaning?

When reading funny sentences such as "At breakfast, I like my coffee with cream and socks," the inconsistent meaning of "socks" is at the top of the head. It was found that it produces a special brain wave called the negative potential N400 that appears in coffee.

The temporal lobe neuron network automatically handles the various meanings of invisible words, as well as the assessment of consistency with past conscious contexts.

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