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An unconscious device that monitors the world around you and evaluates its value

Updated: May 29, 2022

By studying "Study of Consciousness", I would like to think about my method and the coaching theory, such as unconscious rewriting.

This series of blog posts is my study note.


Animals need to have the means to quickly assign the value of advantage or disadvantage to any event they encounter for their survival.

Should I stay or leave?

Should I approach or leave?

Is this valuable food or a trap?

How do you react to the incentive to "get coins"?

There are two experiments.

Experiment 1

An experiment where you can collect coins by holding the handle and applying more pressure than determined.

At the beginning of each trial, an image of the coin will appear to show how much you can get.

We sometimes flashed images so quickly that they couldn't be seen.

The subject squeezed his hand more when we displayed the pound than when the penny was displayed, even though he did not notice the coin's image.

Expecting to receive coins made my hands sweaty and activated my brain's reward circuit.

He didn't notice that his behaviour changed with each trial.

The unconscious image activates neural circuits related to motivation, emotions, and rewards.

Experiment 2

We did not know in advance the value shown by the masked image, and at the end of each trial, the subjects were informed whether they got or lost coins.

They had to look at the "signal" and guess for themselves whether to press the button.

  • The masked image has the following three meanings.

  • The first figure induces a pressing reaction

  • The second induces a reaction that does not press

  • The third is neutral

After playing this game for a few minutes, the subject's performance improved. They couldn't see the hidden shapes in the signal, but they started earning more coins.

Unknowingly, the value allocation system was launched and

The system elicited a reaction corresponding to the figure representing "press" or "do not press".

In our brain, we constantly monitor the world around us, guide our attention, and form our thoughts.

You can see that it is equipped with an unconscious device that evaluates value.

Thanks to these sub-sense actions.

The chaotic stimuli that fall upon us are carefully categorized according to their suitability for our current goals. Only the most appropriate events attract our attention and rise to consciousness.

Under the scrutiny, the unconscious brain is constantly assessing potential opportunities,

Most of the attention works on the martial art.

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